Witam - po modyfikacji mojej drukarki 3D Sovol SV01 został mi panel sterujący lcd, enkoder, i buzer.
Chciałbym wykorzystać całość w pewnym projekcie panel ma oznaczenia 12864ZW-10 ESD4K pinologię znalazłem
https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marli ... CREALITY.h czy jest do tego lcd biblioteka w Bascom
pozdrawiam Jacek.
Wyświetlacz LCD z enkoderem od drukarki 3D
- Jacek
- Posty: 384
- Rejestracja: 25 kwie 2016, 19:14
- Jacek
- Posty: 384
- Rejestracja: 25 kwie 2016, 19:14
Re: Wyświetlacz LCD z enkoderem od drukarki 3D
Witam - wyświetlacz działa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCh3mmu4hgI kod znalazłem na elektroda.pl https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic3747495.html
autor tematu napisał że jest to kod Bartka.
pozdrawiam Jacek.
autor tematu napisał że jest to kod Bartka.
pozdrawiam Jacek.
- Jacek
- Posty: 384
- Rejestracja: 25 kwie 2016, 19:14
Re: Wyświetlacz LCD z enkoderem od drukarki 3D
Witam kod testowy do wyświetlacza z drukarki 3D
program główny
sub od migania ledem co by było widać że atmega się nie powiesiła
sub od wyświetlania
sub deklaracji wyświetlacza (chyba )
sub od komunikacji z wyświetlaczem (chyba )
program kompiluje się nie ma błędów ale po załadowaniu do atmegi ta się wiesza a na lcd kaszanka.
pozdrawiam Jacek.
program główny
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- '****************************************************************
- $regfile = "m328pdef.dat"
- $crystal = 16000000
- $hwstack = 64
- $swstack = 64
- $framesize = 128
- $baud = 115200
- $eepleave
- Config Submode = New
- '****************************************************************
- Config Com1 = 38400 , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
- Config Serialin = Buffered , Size = 128
- Config Serialout = Buffered , Size = 128
- Enable Serial
- '****************************************************************
- 'Debug Off
- Debug On
- '****************************************************************
- $include "Subs\Blink_.inc"
- $include "Subs\Display_.inc"
- $include "Subs\LCD_ST7920_seriell_declare.inc"
- $include "Subs\LCD_ST7920_seriell_sub.inc"
- '****************************************************************
- Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 8
- On Timer1 Przertimer1
- Enable Timer1
- 'Config Timer1 = Pwm , Pwm = 8 , Compare_a_pwm = Clear_up , Compare_b_pwm = Clear_down , Prescale = 1
- Config Timer2 = Pwm , Compare_a_pwm = Clear_up , Prescale = 1024
- '****************************************************************
- Enable Interrupts
- '****************************************************************
- ' *** PINY ****
- ' LCD ST9720 ATMEGA LCD 12864ZW-10 ESD4K
- ' RS (4) - PORTD.7 SPI ---> SS
- ' R/W (5) - PORTB.0 SPI ---> MOSI
- ' EN (6) - PORTB.1 SPI ---> SCK
- ' PBS (15) -GROUND GND
- ' RST (17) - reset processor RESET
- '****************************************************************
- Config Portb.5 = Output : Portb.5 = 0 'LED_LIVE
- '****************************************************************
- Led_live Alias Portb.5 'Dioda Led sygnalizująca prace układu
- '****************************************************************
- Dim Timer_tikx10 As Byte 'zmienna liczaca przepełnienie timera
- Dim Timertikx100 As Byte
- Dim Timertikx200 As Byte
- Dim Timer_tik_flag As Byte
- Flaga10ms Alias Timer_tik_flag.0
- Flaga100ms Alias Timer_tik_flag.1
- Flaga500ms Alias Timer_tik_flag.2
- Flaga1s Alias Timer_tik_flag.3
- Flaga2s Alias Timer_tik_flag.4
- Flaga2_5s Alias Timer_tik_flag.5
- 'zostaly jeszce trzy wolne flagi
- ' a uzylem tylko jednego bajtu
- ' Paweł - pikczu
- '****************************************************************
- Waitms 500
- '****************************************************************
- ' Hbl on 'Turn Backlight on
- '****************************************************************
- '****************************************************************
- Do
- '****************************************************************
- If Timer_tikx10 >= 10 Then 'jesli uplynelo 100ms to
- Flaga100ms = 1 'ustaw flage uplynelo 100ms
- Incr Timertikx100
- Timer_tikx10 = 0 ''zeruj liczenie
- End If
- If Timertikx100 >= 10 Then 'jesli uplynela sekunda
- Flaga1s = 1 'ustaw flage sekundy
- Incr Timertikx200
- Timertikx100 = 0 'zeruj liczenie
- End If
- If Timertikx200 >= 2 Then
- Flaga2s = 1
- Timertikx200 = 0
- End If
- If Flaga10ms = 1 Then
- Flaga10ms = 0
- End If
- If Flaga100ms = 1 Then 'co 100ms
- Call Display_
- Flaga100ms = 0 'wyzeruj Flaga100ms
- End If
- If Flaga1s = 1 Then 'co 1 sekundę
- Call Blink_
- Flaga1s = 0
- End If
- If Flaga2s = 1 Then 'co2s
- Flaga2s = 0
- End If
- '****************************************************************
- Loop
- '****************************************************************
- $include "Font\My6_8.font"
- $include "Font\font16x16.font"
- $include "Font\My12_16.font"
- '****************************************************************
- 'include used BGF
- $inc Pic , Nosize , "BGF\abc.bgf" '32x32 pixel
- $inc Pic1 , Nosize , "BGF\time.bgf" '32x32 Pixel
- $inc Pic2 , Nosize , "BGF\music.bgf" '32x32 Pixel
- '****************************************************************
- End
- '****************************************************************
- Przertimer1:
- Timer1 = 45536 'wstawienie do Timer1 wartości 45536
- Incr Timer_tikx10
- If Timer_tikx10 = 1 Then
- Set Flaga10ms
- End If
- Return
- '****************************************************************
sub od migania ledem co by było widać że atmega się nie powiesiła
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- $nocompile
- Sub Blink_
- Toggle Led_live
- End Sub
sub od wyświetlania
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- $nocompile
- Sub Display_
- Lcds_init 1
- Lcds_cls 1 'Init LCD in Text-Mode
- Lcds 1 , 1 , "Test LCD-ST7920"
- Lcds 2 , 1 , "Display 4x16"
- Lcds 3 , 1 , "Controller is"
- Lcds 4 , 1 , "HD44780 like"
- Wait 5
- Lcds_init 2 'Init LCD in Grafic-Mode
- Lcds_cls 2
- Call Lcds_text( "Bascom AVR" , 1 , 1 , 1) 'Call Lcds_text( "Wiertarka PCB" , 1 , 1 , 1) 'Draw Text to Buffer
- Call Lcds_text( "LCD ST7920" , 1 , 16 , 3) 'Call Lcds_text( "SQ2EER" , 1 , 16 , 3) 'Draw Text to Buffer
- Call Lcds_text( "Grafic 128 x 64" , 1 , 37 , 1) 'Draw Text to Buffer
- Call Lcds_text( "Version 1.0 /rt" , 1 , 52 , 1) 'Draw Text to Buffer
- Call Lcds_show() 'Show Buffer
- Wait 5
- Lcds_cls 2
- Call Lcds_box(54 , 22 , 74 , 42 , 0 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Call Lcds_box(54 , 22 , 74 , 42 , 1 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Lcds_cls 2
- Call Lcds_circle(64 , 32 , 20 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Call Lcds_fill_circle(64 , 32 , 20 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Call Lcds_line(10 , 22 , 118 , 22 , 1 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Call Lcds_line(10 , 42 , 118 , 42 , 1 , 0)
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Lcds_cls 2
- Call Lcds_text( "Show BGF-Files" , 24 , 1 , 1) 'Draw Text to Buffer
- Restore Pic 'first restore Pic
- Call Lcds_show_bgf(8 , 15) 'write BGF to Buffer
- Restore Pic1
- Call Lcds_show_bgf(48 , 15) 'write BGF to Buffer
- Restore Pic2
- Call Lcds_show_bgf(88 , 15) 'write BGF to Buffer
- Call Lcds_show()
- Wait 2
- Lcds_cls 2
- End Sub
sub deklaracji wyświetlacza (chyba )
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- $nocompile
- '*******************************************************************************
- '* Definitions for Serial-Driver ST7920 *
- '*******************************************************************************
- Declare Sub Lcds(byval Y1 As Byte , Byval X1 As Byte , Byval Text1 As String * 20)
- Declare Sub Lcds_cls(byval D_type As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_init(byval D_type As Byte)
- Declare Sub Hbl(byval Ea As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_command(byval Ch As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_data(byval Ch As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_wdata(byval Ch As Byte)
- Config Base = 0
- Dim Text As String * 20 , Texta As String * 20
- Dim Text_o(20) As Byte At Text Overlay 'ASCII-Werte der LCD Ausgabe '
- Dim Cx As String * 1
- Dim Pos As Byte
- Dim Zp As Byte
- Dim Zlen As Byte
- Dim Lcd_zeilen As Byte , Lcd_spalten As Byte
- Dim Zl1 As String * 20 , Zl2 As String * 20 , Zl3 As String * 20 , Zl4 As String * 20
- Dim Zz As Byte 'Zeichenzähler
- Dim Zi As Byte 'Zeichen-Indexzähler
- Dim Bl As Byte 'LCD-HintergrundBeLeuchtung
- Dim Ch As Byte , Cha As Byte
- Dim Lcd_cout As Byte
- Dim Lcd_dout As Byte
- Dclock Alias Portb.1
- Dsdata Alias Portb.0
- Lcd_hbl Alias Portd.7
- Config Lcd_hbl = Output
- Const On = 1 'HBL Einschalten
- Const Off = 0 'HBL Ausschalten
- 'Declares for Grafic-Display
- Declare Sub Lcds_show()
- Declare Sub Lcds_text(byval S As String , Byval Xoffset As Byte , Byval Yoffset As Byte , Byval Fontset As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_set_pixel(byval Xp As Byte , Byval Yp As Byte , Byval Colo As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_fill_circle(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte , Byval Radius As Byte , Byval Color1 As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_circle(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte , Byval Radius As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_line(byval X1 As Byte , Byval Y1 As Byte , Byval X2 As Byte , Byval Y2 As Byte , Byval Pen_width As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_box(byval Xs As Byte , Byval Ys As Byte , Byval Xe As Byte , Byval Ye As Byte , Byval Fill As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Declare Sub Lcds_show_bgf(byval Xs As Byte , Byval Ys As Byte)
- Dim Y_cmd As Byte , X_cmd As Byte , X_pos As Byte , Y_pos As Byte
- Dim I_byte As Byte , Iw_byte As Byte , I_bit As Byte
- Dim O_byte As Byte , O_bit As Integer
- Dim I_page As Integer , O_page As Integer , I_page_byte As Integer
- Dim W_page_byte As Integer , W_page As Byte , D_pos As Integer
- Const White = &HFF
- Const Black = &H00
- Dim Ddata(1025) As Byte 'Display Data Buffer
- Dim Ddata2(16) As Byte 'Work-Buffer for ST7920
sub od komunikacji z wyświetlaczem (chyba )
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- $nocompile
- '*******************************************************************************
- '* Init LCD for ST7920 Controller Serial-Mode 24.02.15/rt *
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_init(byval D_type As Byte) '1=Text / 2=Grafic
- Lcds_command 3 'Init LCD with Value 3 for Command (RS=0)
- Waitms 10
- Lcds_command 3 'Init LCD with Value 3 for Command (RS=0)
- Waitms 10
- Lcds_command 3 'Init LCD with Value 3 for Command (RS=0)
- Waitms 10
- Lcds_command 12 'Display control
- Waitms 1
- Lcds_command 1 'Dislpay clear
- Waitms 5
- Lcds_command 6 'Entry mode
- Waitms 1
- Select Case D_type
- Case 1
- Lcds_command 36 'Set Text-Mode
- Waitms 5
- Lcds_command 32 'Set Text-Mode
- Case 2
- Lcds_command 38 'Set Grafic-Mode
- Waitms 5
- Lcds_command 2 'Set Grafic-Mode
- End Select
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- '* Clear Screen Command 1 = Text-Mode 2 = Grafic-Mode *
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_cls(byval D_type As Byte)
- Select Case D_type
- Case 1 'Clear in Text-Mode
- Lcds_command 1
- Zl1 = Space(20)
- Zl2 = Space(20)
- Zl3 = Space(20)
- Zl4 = Space(20)
- Waitms 100
- Case 2 'Clear in Grafic-Mode
- For D_pos = 0 To 1025
- Ddata(d_pos) = 0
- Next D_pos
- Call Lcds_show()
- End Select
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- '* Hintergrundbeleuchtung EIN/AUS *
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Hbl(byval Ea As Byte)
- Bl = Ea
- If Ea = 0 Then Reset Lcd_hbl
- If Ea = 1 Then Set Lcd_hbl
- Waitms 10
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- '* Anzeige Wert/String Zeile Y1 Position X1 *
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds(byval Y1 As Byte , Byval X1 As Byte , Byval Text1 As String * 20)
- If Y1 = 1 Then
- Zz = Len(text1)
- Mid(zl1 , X1 , Zz) = Text1
- Texta = Zl1
- Ch = 128 'Cursor-Position Row 1, Position 1
- End If
- If Y1 = 2 Then
- Zz = Len(text1)
- Mid(zl2 , X1 , Zz) = Text1
- Texta = Zl2
- Ch = 144
- End If
- If Y1 = 3 Then
- Zz = Len(text1)
- Mid(zl3 , X1 , Zz) = Text1
- Texta = Zl3
- Ch = 136
- End If
- If Y1 = 4 Then
- Zz = Len(text1)
- Mid(zl4 , X1 , Zz) = Text1
- Texta = Zl4 'Cursor-Position Row 4, Position 1
- Ch = 152
- End If
- Lcds_command Ch 'Set Cursor-Position
- For Zi = 1 To zz
- Cx = Mid(texta , Zi , 1)
- Ch = Cx
- Lcds_data Ch
- Next Zi
- End Sub
- lcds_out:
- Ch = Pos
- Set Ch.7 'Set Bit 7 FOR Command "Set DDRAM"
- Lcds_command Ch 'Set Cursor-Position
- Waitus 100
- Zlen = Len(text) 'LEN of Display-Text
- For Zp = 1 To Zlen
- Ch = Text_o(zp)
- Lcds_data Ch
- Next Zp
- Return
- Sub Lcds_command(byval Ch As Byte)
- Reset Lcd_cout.1
- Lcds_wdata Ch
- End Sub
- Sub Lcds_data(byval Ch As Byte)
- Set Lcd_cout.1
- Lcds_wdata Ch
- End Sub
- Sub Lcds_wdata(byval Ch As Byte)
- Lcd_cout.7 = 1 'Sync
- Lcd_cout.6 = 1 'Sync
- Lcd_cout.5 = 1 'Sync
- Lcd_cout.4 = 1 'Sync
- Lcd_cout.3 = 1 'Sync
- Lcd_cout.2 = 0 'R/W
- Lcd_cout.0 = 0 'leer
- Shiftout Dsdata , Dclock , Lcd_cout , 0 , 8
- Lcd_dout = 0
- Lcd_dout.7 = Ch.7
- Lcd_dout.6 = Ch.6
- Lcd_dout.5 = Ch.5
- Lcd_dout.4 = Ch.4
- Shiftout Dsdata , Dclock , Lcd_dout , 0 , 8
- Lcd_dout = 0
- Lcd_dout.7 = Ch.3
- Lcd_dout.6 = Ch.2
- Lcd_dout.5 = Ch.1
- Lcd_dout.4 = Ch.0
- Shiftout dsdata , Dclock , Lcd_dout , 0 , 8
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' All Grafic-Routines (c) by Heiko Kipnik
- '
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Show BASCOM Graphic Files (BGF)
- ' use the Graphic converter in Uncompressed Mode
- ' The Sub do not support RLE compression
- ' Set Xs=Start Xpoint Ys=Start Ypoint
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_show_bgf(byval Xs As Byte , Byval Ys As Byte)
- Local Xz As Byte , Yz As Byte , Col As Byte
- Local Bnr As Byte , Xdum As Byte , Xend As Byte , Yend As Byte
- Read Yend 'Read Height
- Read Xend 'Read Width
- Yend = Yend + Ys 'Set end point
- Xend = Xend + Xs 'Set end point
- Decr Xend
- Decr Yend
- For Yz = Ys To Yend 'Ystart to Yend
- For Xz = Xs To Xend Step 8 'Step 8 Pixel for one Byte
- Read Col 'Read BGF file 1Byte = 8 Pixel
- Xdum = Xz 'X Start Point
- For Bnr = 7 To 0 Step -1 'MSB first Set 8Bit
- If Col.bnr = 0 Then 'Read pixel
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xdum , Yz , White) 'Set Pixel
- Else
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xdum , Yz , Black) 'Clear Pixel
- End If
- Incr Xdum 'Incr X pointer
- Next
- Next
- Next
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Draw Box Xs-Ys to Xe-Ye fill=1 Fill -- Fill=0 no fill
- ' Color=1 Black Pixel Color=0 White Pixel
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_box(byval Xs As Byte , Byval Ys As Byte , Byval Xe As Byte , Byval Ye As Byte , Byval Fill As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Local Xza As Byte , Yza As Byte
- If Fill = 1 Then
- For Yza = Ys To Ye
- For Xza = Xs To Xe
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xza , Yza , Color)
- Next
- Next
- Else
- Call Lcds_line(xs , Ys , Xe , Ys , 1 , Color)
- Call Lcds_line(xs , Ye , Xe , Ye , 1 , Color)
- Call Lcds_line(xs , Ys , Xs , Ye , 1 , Color)
- Call Lcds_line(xe , Ys , Xe , Ye , 1 , Color)
- End If
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Set or Clear a Pixel to X-Y Position Colo=1 Set Pixel Colo=0 Clear Pixel
- ' and write Data to Display-Array
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_set_pixel(byval Xp As Byte , Byval Yp As Byte , Byval Colo As Byte)
- Local B1 As Byte , Zeiger As Word , Bitnr As Byte
- Decr Yp
- B1 = Yp / 8
- Zeiger = B1 * 128
- Zeiger = Zeiger + Xp
- Bitnr = Yp Mod 8
- If Colo = Black Then
- Ddata(zeiger).bitnr = 1
- Else
- Ddata(zeiger).bitnr = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Updated the Display whith Display-Array
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_show()
- O_byte = 1
- O_bit = 7
- For I_page = 0 To 7
- For I_bit = 0 To 7
- For I_byte = 0 To 127
- O_byte = I_byte / 8
- Iw_byte = I_byte + 1
- 'Text = "BitI " + Str(i_bit) + " "
- 'Lcda 1 , 1 , Text
- 'Text = "ByteI " + Str(iw_byte) + " "
- 'Lcda 2 , 1 , Text
- 'Text = "ByteO " + Str(o_byte) + " "
- 'Lcda 3 , 1 , Text
- 'Text = "BitO " + Str(o_bit) + " "
- 'Lcda 4 , 1 , Text
- 'Wait 1
- O_page = I_page * 128
- I_page_byte = O_page + I_byte
- W_page_byte = I_page_byte + 1
- 'Toggle Ddata(w_page_byte).i_bit
- Ddata2(o_byte).o_bit = Ddata(w_page_byte).i_bit
- Decr O_bit
- If O_bit = -1 Then O_bit = 7
- Next I_byte
- X_pos = 0
- For D_pos = 0 To 15 Step + 2 'Display one row 2 x 8Bit
- If I_page < 4 Then
- Y_pos = I_page * 8
- X_cmd = X_pos + 128
- End If
- If I_page > 3 Then
- W_page = I_page - 4
- Y_pos = W_page * 8
- X_cmd = X_pos + 136 'Command Grafic 128 + 8 Position
- End If
- Y_pos = Y_pos + I_bit
- Y_cmd = Y_pos + 128
- Lcds_command Y_cmd
- Lcds_command X_cmd
- Lcds_data Ddata2(d_pos)
- Lcds_data Ddata2(d_pos + 1)
- Incr X_pos
- Next D_pos
- Next I_bit
- Next I_page
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- 'LCD_Text String -- X -- Y Start -- Font
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_text(byval S As String , Xoffset As Byte , Yoffset As Byte , Fontset As Byte)
- Local Tempstring As String * 1 , Temp As Word 'Dim local the variables
- Local A As Byte , Pixels As Byte , Count As Byte , Carcount As Byte , Lus As Byte
- Local Row As Byte , Block As Byte , Byteseach As Byte , Blocksize As Byte , Dummy As Byte
- Local Colums As Byte , Columcount As Byte , Rowcount As Byte , Stringsize As Byte
- Local Xpos As Byte , Ypos As Byte , Pixel As Word , Pixelcount As Byte
- Local Offset As Word
- Stringsize = Len(s) - 1 'Size of the text string -1 because we must start with 0
- Select Case Fontset
- Case 1 :
- Block = Lookup(0 , My6_8) 'Add or remove here fontset's that you need or not,
- Byteseach = Lookup(1 , My6_8)
- Blocksize = Lookup(2 , My6_8)
- Dummy = Lookup(3 , My6_8)
- Case 2 :
- Block = Lookup(0 , Font16x16)
- Byteseach = Lookup(1 , Font16x16)
- Blocksize = Lookup(2 , Font16x16)
- Dummy = Lookup(3 , Font16x16)
- '
- Case 3 :
- Block = Lookup(0 , My12_16)
- Byteseach = Lookup(1 , My12_16)
- Blocksize = Lookup(2 , My12_16)
- Dummy = Lookup(3 , My12_16)
- End Select
- Colums = Blocksize / Block 'Calculate the numbers of colums
- Row = Block * 8 'Row is always 8 pixels high = 1 byte, so working with row in steps of 8.
- Row = Row - 1 'Want to start with row=0 instead of 1
- Colums = Colums - 1 'Same for the colums
- For Carcount = 0 To Stringsize 'Loop for the numbers of caracters that must be displayed
- Temp = Carcount + 1 'Cut the text string in seperate caracters
- Tempstring = Mid(s , Temp , 1)
- Offset = Asc(tempstring) - 32 'Font files start with caracter 32
- Offset = Offset * Blocksize
- Offset = Offset + 4
- Temp = Carcount * Byteseach
- Temp = Temp + Xoffset
- For Rowcount = 0 To Row Step 8 'Loop for numbers of rows
- A = Rowcount + Yoffset
- Xpos = Temp
- For Columcount = 0 To Colums 'Loop for numbers of Colums
- Select Case Fontset
- Case 1 : Pixels = Lookup(offset , My6_8)
- Case 2 : Pixels = Lookup(offset , Font16x16)
- Case 3 : Pixels = Lookup(offset , My12_16)
- End Select
- Ypos = A
- For Pixelcount = 0 To 7 'Loop for 8 pixels to be set or not
- Pixel = Pixels.0 'Set the pixel (or not)
- If Pixel = 0 Then
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpos , Ypos , White)
- Else
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpos , Ypos , Black)
- End If
- Shift Pixels , Right 'Shift the byte 1 bit to the right so the next pixel comes availible
- Incr Ypos 'Each pixel on his own spot
- Next Pixelcount
- Incr Offset
- Incr Xpos 'Do some calculation to get the caracter on the correct Xposition
- Next Columcount
- Next Rowcount
- Next Carcount
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Draw Fill Circle X-Y Center - Radius - Color=1 set Pixel Color=0 clear pixel
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_fill_circle(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte , Byval Radius As Byte , Byval Color1 As Byte)
- Local Xy_radius As Integer , Zahly As Integer , Zahlx As Integer , Y1 As Integer , X1 As Integer
- Local Y11 As Integer , X11 As Integer , Xy As Integer , X2 As Byte , Y2 As Byte
- Xy_radius = Radius * Radius
- Y1 = -radius
- X1 = -radius
- For Zahly = Y1 To Radius
- Y11 = Zahly * Zahly
- For Zahlx = X1 To Radius
- X11 = Zahlx * Zahlx
- Xy = X11 + Y11
- If Xy <= Xy_radius Then
- X2 = X + Zahlx
- Y2 = Y + Zahly
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x2 , Y2 , Color1)
- End If
- Next
- Next
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Draw Circle X-Y Center - Radius - Color=1 set Pixel Color=0 clear pixel
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_circle(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte , Byval Radius As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Local X0 As Byte , Y0 As Byte , Error As Integer
- Local Xp As Byte , Yp As Byte , Xe As Byte , Ye As Byte
- Error = -radius
- Xp = Radius
- Yp = 0
- While Xp >= Yp
- X0 = X + Xp : Y0 = Y + Yp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X - Xp : Y0 = Y + Yp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X + Xp : Y0 = Y - Yp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X - Xp : Y0 = Y - Yp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X + Yp : Y0 = Y + Xp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X - Yp : Y0 = Y + Xp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X + Yp : Y0 = Y - Xp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- X0 = X - Yp : Y0 = Y - Xp
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(x0 , Y0 , Color)
- Error = Error + Yp
- Incr Yp
- Error = Error + Yp
- If Error >= 0 Then
- Decr Xp
- Error = Error - Xp
- Error = Error - Xp
- End If
- Wend
- End Sub
- '*******************************************************************************
- ' Draw line X - Y Start to X - Y End - Pen Width - Color=1 set Pixel Color=0 clear pixel
- '*******************************************************************************
- Sub Lcds_line(byval X1 As Byte , Byval Y1 As Byte , Byval X2 As Byte , Byval Y2 As Byte , Byval Pen_width As Byte , Byval Color As Byte)
- Local Y As Word , X As Word , X_diff As Single , Y_diff As Single , Pos As Word
- Local X_factor As Single , X_pos As Word , Y_pos As Word , Base As Word , Pen_count As Byte
- Local Xpoint As Byte , Ypoint As Byte
- Y_diff = Y2 - Y1
- X_diff = X2 - X1
- Pos = 0
- X_factor = Abs(y_diff)
- Y = X_factor
- X_factor = Abs(x_diff)
- X = X_factor
- If Y > X Then
- X_factor = X_diff / Y_diff
- If Y1 > Y2 Then
- Swap Y1 , Y2
- Base = X2
- Else
- Base = X1
- End If
- For Y = Y1 To Y2
- X_diff = Pos * X_factor
- X_pos = X_diff
- X_pos = X_pos + Base
- Xpoint = X_pos
- Ypoint = Y
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpoint , Ypoint , Color)
- For Pen_count = 1 To Pen_width
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpoint , Ypoint , Color)
- Incr Xpoint
- Next Pen_count
- Incr Pos
- Next Y
- Else
- X_factor = Y_diff / X_diff
- If X1 > X2 Then
- Swap X1 , X2
- Base = Y2
- Else
- Base = Y1
- End If
- For X = X1 To X2
- Y_diff = Pos * X_factor
- Y_pos = Y_diff
- Y_pos = Y_pos + Base
- Xpoint = X
- Ypoint = Y_pos
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpoint , Ypoint , Color)
- For Pen_count = 1 To Pen_width
- Call Lcds_set_pixel(xpoint , Ypoint , Color)
- Incr Ypoint
- Next Pen_count
- Incr Pos
- Next X
- End If
- End Sub
program kompiluje się nie ma błędów ale po załadowaniu do atmegi ta się wiesza a na lcd kaszanka.
pozdrawiam Jacek.
- niveasoft
- Posty: 1244
- Rejestracja: 17 sie 2015, 12:13
- Kontakt:
Re: Wyświetlacz LCD z enkoderem od drukarki 3D
Trudno coś powiedzieć nie łącząc tego a trochę nie ma czasu.
U siebie mam to też podłaczone do jakiegoś modułu CNC, ale z Mega2560.
Dziwne że Demo działa a nie działa Tobie w programie.
Ten wyświetlacz ma dwa tryby. Zwykły to trym alfanumeryczny kiedy init i wtedy on reaguje jak zwykły 2x20 znaków. Dopiero jak Init=2 to to jest graficzny. Trzeba wiec patrzeć w jakim jest trybie,
Potem w tych subach Call Lcds_text ostatnia cyferka to jeden z trzech dołaczonych do demo fontów. Trzeba te fonty do projetu dołączyć.
U siebie mam to też podłaczone do jakiegoś modułu CNC, ale z Mega2560.
Code: [Zaznacz cały] [Rozwiń/Zwiń]
- $regfile = "m2560def.dat" '256K FLASH, 8K SRAM, 4K EEPROM
- $crystal = 16000000
- $hwstack = 64
- $swstack = 64
- $framesize = 256
Ten wyświetlacz ma dwa tryby. Zwykły to trym alfanumeryczny kiedy init i wtedy on reaguje jak zwykły 2x20 znaków. Dopiero jak Init=2 to to jest graficzny. Trzeba wiec patrzeć w jakim jest trybie,
Potem w tych subach Call Lcds_text ostatnia cyferka to jeden z trzech dołaczonych do demo fontów. Trzeba te fonty do projetu dołączyć.